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The Riverside Roar – January 19, 2021


The Riverside Roar is our weekly newsletter to inform our families of all the great things happening at school. Newsletter is personalized with information from your child’s teacher. 

Download the Riverside Roar for the week of January 19, 2021 (PDF)


Grab and Go Meals

Hybrid students will bring meals home every Wednesday.

Online families may pick up meals by pulling up to the kitchen door on the east side of the building. Pick up is on Thursdays from 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.


Upcoming Events

January 18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School
February 4 – Progress Reports distributed
February 5 – Professional Development – No School for Students


Kindergarten/1st Grade

Ms. Zwirgzdas – Hybrid and Online

I hope you all had a relaxing winter break and everyone was able to stay safe and healthy. This was the first day back for students. Just a few reminders students will have four different courses, one for each subject. Please use the pin tool to distinguish these courses so that they do not get mixed up with courses from the previous quarter. As we became familiar with online learning once again this year, first graders were introduced to fractions and adding on a number line. Kindergarteners worked on determining how many objects would be left when solving for the missing number, as well as classifying shapes.

We have completed a second week of third quarter! I want to thank all students who turned in their writing piece, it feels even more like your children are a part of the school, seeing their work in the hallways. This week we had I ready reading testing, to see the growth in your child’s learning. First graders also learned about homophones and adding 3 different numbers to find the sum. Kindergarteners worked on learning about verbs and identifying a problem and solution of a story. Kindergarteners also worked on subtraction skills of how many are left? Students will be transitioning to a new teacher starting next week. Please check your inbox over the weekend and early next week for any updates on this.



Middle School

English Language Arts
Ms. Brents

The middle school students and I are super excited for the fresh start 2nd semester offers!  The Canvas platform offers a parent portal that allows for parents to see everything the students have access to. All student assignments, due dates, live session schedules and students’ grades are available on the parent Canvas portal. Signing up, is a great way to keep up what’s going on in all middle school classes. Last week the 6th and 8th graders worked on standard R.I.6.8 and R.I.8.8 respectively. The standard concentrated on evaluating support offered in arguments. Seventh grade worked with the figurative language techniques of hyperbole, idioms, onomatopoeia and alliteration comprised in standard R.L.7.4

This week in English class we are wrapping up the first standards we worked on this semester and we’ll be having our first Short Cycles (tests). Short Cycles are only 6 questions, four multiple choice questions and two short answer responses. Parents can assist their student to prepare for their short cycles by having the student practice answering question in the ACE format (verbally or on paper), and checking out resources (even simple, entertaining ones like videos) regarding the following standards:

6th grade – R.I.6.8
7th grade – R.L.7.4 (figurative language)
8th grade – R.I.8.8

Mrs. McConnell

Welcome back middle school math! I hope everyone had a safe relaxing holiday. It was a well-deserved break for all of us. We jumped right back into our lessons on Monday and the students did a great job not missing a beat. 6th grade started a new Eureka math module which focuses on Arithmetic Operations Including division of fractions. The curriculum focuses heavily on using drawings and visual models to make the concept of dividing more concept based. The students really seem to be getting it. In 7th grade we finished half of a unit on proportional values and had a mid-module test on Friday. It can be a difficult unit, but everyone is doing a great job! 8th grade is busy learning linear equations and their graphs. We are halfway through this unit and there was a test on Thursday.

Second semester has gotten off to a great start. Don’t be alarmed if your student doesn’t have a lot of graded assignments so far this quarter. Grades 7and 8 both had mid module tests upon returning from break and I didn’t want to give a lot of graded work until after the test. Next week is also important because students are going to be taking the iReady diagnostic. This is a tool that students took in the fall to measure growth throughout the year. Please make sure students get plenty of rest so they can do their best and show us all how much they’ve learned this year so far! We will have dates for traditional and online students to take the diagnostic. We just ask that they hold off on doing iReady work until they are asked to get in for the diagnostic. I have every confidence that the students did great! Keep up all the good work at home and at school!

Social Studies
Ms. Charley

The middle school social studies students had a great week. The 6th Grade finished up Standard 9, which was about the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. They are now learning about the Qin and Han Dynasties. The 7th Grade will be finishing up their last Standard on Rome this Friday. Next week, we finally begin learning about the Middle Ages! The 8th Grade finished learning about events leading up to the Revolutionary War and will start learning about the War itself next week with Lexington and Concord. The 8th Grade, as part of their Level 3, wrote break-up letters to the British. I have discovered my students are all secret comedians. Have a great long weekend!

Mr. Voegele

HAPPY NEW YEAR AND WELCOME BACK! Hoping that 2021 is even better than 2020.  We have hit the ground running.  Students already have work up and available on Canvas.  Reminder if you are an online or hybrid student start at the begin of every module and click every link.  I have readings linked by your agenda’s these have test every two to three weeks.  Also read all of the readings before taking your quizzes.  I do grade them all and they go into the grade book.  I am writing this on Wednesday and some of us are not getting off on the right foot because our quiz scores could be better.  If you have any questions email me, send me a message on Canvas or call the school.  On to what we are studying 6th grade is moving into the study of Atoms, 7th Grade is studying the Water Cycle, and 8th grade is studying geological age.

This week 6th and 7th grade have a short cycle assessment on Friday. Make sure that you are getting on Canvas doing your work. 8th grade has a mastery test. Which should have been taken on Tuesday and needs to be completed if they have not finished it. On to the week that is and the future. 6th grade we are moving on with matter and what is matter. 7th grade we are moving onto bigger things, oceans and tides. 8th grade we are moving on to organisms and their diversity. As always if you have any questions email me or call me, I am always available. Please remember we don’t have school Monday because we are recognizing the life and times of a great American, Martin Luther King Jr. Let’s reflect on his life and contributions to America and have peace throughout the land.


Intervention Specialists

Dear parents and guardians, the Special Education team hopes everyone in your family is healthy and warm. Many of the elementary and middle school students struggle with fractions, decimals, and percents. With so many advertisements going on this time of year, it is a good time to practice with your students what it means when a product is ½ off or a certain percent off. It’s a great time to practice those math skills by talking about which store has the better sale price for the same item.

One of the special education team’s goals for the new year is to increase student’s vocabulary. One of the best ways to increase your student’s vocabulary is to read to them and discuss with them what was just read. You can also listen to the radio while in the car and listen/talk about ongoing events. Middle school students have a vocabulary list in Canvas that they frequently review.

513.921.7777 ext 40904

Mrs. Bruner   mbruner@acariverside.com     
Mr. Springer  tspringer@acariverside.com    
Mrs. Frohlich cfrohlich@acariverside.com    



Ms. Sargent

Last week in Music class, students in grades 2-8 took a trip to Guatemala to explore the country’s music and dance. They also met the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.  Kindergarten and first grade students got to learn about the violin. This week students in grades 2-8 took a trip to Egypt to explore the country’s music and dance. They also met the famous musician, Post Malone. Kindergarten and first grade students got to learn about the Piccolo this week. Next week, students can look forward to learning about a rapper who was requested by the 4th and 5th grade class.


Parents Right to Student Test Results and Parental Notification of Assessment Information

On January 8, 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) was signed into law. Section 1111(h)(6)(A) states that as a parent of a student in  our elementary school, receiving Title I funds, the school shall provide you with the following:

  • Parents should be provided the level of achievement of their children each year based on the results of state assessments.
  • Parents should be invited to an annual meeting to inform parents of their right to be involved in the planning of school improvement programs. In addition, a number of parent meetings should be scheduled to involve parents in decisions related to the education of their children.
  • Include parents in an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent involvement policy in improving the academic quality, including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents.
  • Parents should be involved in decisions that determine how federal funds for parental involvement are used, including activities promoting family literacy and parenting skills.
  • A school-parent compact should be developed that outlines how parents and the school share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement.

Section 1112(e)(2) of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) requires divisions that receive Title I, Part A, funds to notify parents of students attending Title I schools that the parents may request information regarding any state or division policy regarding student participation in required assessments.

  • At the beginning of each school year, a local educational agency that receives funds under this part shall notify the parents of each student attending any school receiving funds under this part that the parents may request, and the local educational agency will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner), information regarding any State or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by section 1111(b)(2) and by the State or local educational agency, which shall include a policy, procedure, or parental right to opt the child out of such assessment, where applicable. The notice must be made available in any language as requested by a parent.

If you have questions or concerns, please call me at 513-921-7777. Thanks! Ms. Lucas